
Väl planerad helg tror jag iaf ! Nu idag fredag så blire ferre at the mort of endless Göran ! the unholy gang och some more ppl is gonna äga denna city tokväll. The fest will start att pontus place in Faraway-forest. l8r on that kväll vi are rolling to the Mort of endless göran! vi gets a skjutts av the only hampenberg, and yes i'm pratar abot Love in siberia.... Thet Hampenberg! When we kommer there, we will storm the partey med en massa Lemonade! Om du want something you can ringa mig on the mobiltelefon! the gang as vanligt består av. The one and only happy-man, PontùS, Hampenberg!, DJ Mort, TF-DöG, Wheelman of rage fuck!, (C)3(P)O and/och Mad man 447!!
We kommer dricka en jävla massa Saft! and after that we will storma the party and visa that we are gänget som ingen fight med!

This is the gang Of Endless Partey !


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